Ready for Spring | James Gibbon Outdoors
It’s March 19th in Montana, and we are on the final stretch of winter until Spring. This is the time where the weather is unpredictable and constantly teases us that spring has arrived, only to snow the following day. It’s tough because I truly am ready for Spring/Summer and yet the Montana seasons just aren’t aligned with my plans. There are however, some good days that get sprinkled in during these times and it’s on these days that I do my best to get outside and enjoy them the best I can. One day the road dried up and I decided to take my mountain bike down our entrance road. Our entrance road runs about a half mile in length to the main road and is mostly downhill/uphill depending on which direction you are headed. The picture below is of me towards the top of the road after my legs gave out making the stretch uphill.
James Gibbon
What is not pictured above is the thrilling ride downhill! After a couple runs down and up the hill, we came up with the idea to use the ATV to ride back up the hill. This way I could just focus on the thrill of the downhill ride and not have to work my legs into exhaustion coming back up the hill. Overall, this was really fun. Although it only lasted one day due to the change in weather, it was a great way to spend the day outdoors and embrace the warm weather when it was around.
Another really cool thing happened since I last wrote. We had a visitor run behind our backyard - it was a moose! How cool! No idea where this moose was going or running from, but it came over a ridge and back behind our house. We had front row seats to watch this unfold, all from the comfort of our living room. How awesome to experience something like this without ever having to leave the house!
I’ll close out by sharing with you my Spring wishlist:
Thanks for reading and I will update you again once we are in Spring! Also be sure to check out Montana Farm Life